Friday, 11 November 2011

How important is Drug Intervention

DrugDrug intervention is simply a planned attempt by friends or family of the drug addict to help them seek professional assistance that can help them in dealing with their addiction. This comes across as a great idea and one would obviously think that if friends and family members organised a meeting to help the addict, they would be more than happy to accept that help. Well, the results are otherwise.
Drug intervention program can have unpredictable results. The addict might react in a positive way and accept the intervention or else the suggestion itself can lead to anger, self destruction and immense resistance. Therefore it is very important to plan and strategically implement any kind of drug intervention.
It becomes important in this phase of the treatment to speak with someone who is well versed with the topic. It is always mandatory to seek professional help before actually trying to convince the addict.
Drug intervention program
There are a lot of instances where the addict seems to loose the race between living an addiction free life and a drug related tragedy. The main reason behind this is that they never really made it to the rehab centre before disaster stuck. An addict will have a number of ways to deny their addiction problem and they would actually have even more ways to convince their family members that they do not require any medical help.
Resisting rehab treatment simply means that the addict is happy with the state of abusing drugs or alcohol. Deep inside, they feel equally miserable but they reach a point where they cannot survive without these substances in their body. Finally, if you seem to have any situation that has led you to hit up the internet for help then you must not wait any longer. Waiting periods for drug intervention has proven to be fatal in some cases. Pick the best intervention program and implement it as soon as you can. This is the only way you can avoid any drug or alcohol related tragedy to your loved ones.


Unknown said...

I agree that you need to be careful in you're going to have a drug intervention. There's really no way to know how someone is going to react when it happens. People can be unpredictable. For the most part, I'd imagine that you got to do your best and be prepared.

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