Thursday 10 November 2011

First-Aid Kit Essentials Tips

When accident or illness happens having some essential items at your home will make a vast difference. If you have kids or senior people at home then don’t neglect it. So be serious about your first-aid kit & take some time to rearrange all the tools & medicines. Especially for medicines make sure that they have not expired.

•    You need to keep a thermometer. For removing ticks & splinters keep tweezers.
•    For cutting bandages you need to keep scissors (sharp).
•    For measuring liquid medicine keep a spoon or a calibrated cup.
•    A hot water bag is very important. It will give relief from pain in joints.
•    Keep some peracitamal, medicines to help in digestion, and a few antibiotics. But consult your doctor about the doses.
•    Ice pack is an excellent remedy for burns or damage by abrasion or pressure.
•    Keep a small but high voltage torch to get a clear look of eyes, ear, throat etc.
•    To free an obstruction from stuffed noses, you can keep nasal syringe.
•    Make sure that your gloves are in the first-aid box.
•    To grease your rectal thermometers keep a bottle of petroleum jelly.
•    For sterilization (thermometer & other tools) keep alcohol.
•    Keep some pain cure medicines, but consul your doctor about its dose & whether they are applicable for children or not
•    You can keep some anti allergic medicines & lotions.
•    You must have cough syrup, which is also applicable for children.
•    To clean the abraded area & cuts keep hydrogen peroxide.
•    To apply on the wound you must keep antibacterial lotion or cream.
•    Don’t forget to keep rolling bandage in your first aid kit. Make sure that sterile cotton balls & adhesive tapes are there.
•    Last but not the least keeps enough numbers of washable band aid.


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